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Examination of arm


The examination of firearms can resolve the following issues:

  • Is the subject submitted for research a firearm?
  • What is the type (system, model) of weapons submitted for research?
  • Are the weapons technically sound?
  • Are the presented weapons suitable for shooting?
  • What type of industrial weapons are the presented homemade weapons made of?
  • Are the designs of two or more homemade weapons the same?
  • Under what conditions or as a result of what processes could defects of the weapon submitted for research arise?
  • Is it possible, under certain conditions, to fire without pulling the trigger from the weapon presented for research?
  • What type of weapon (system, model) is the part submitted for research?
  • Is this detail part of a specific weapon instance (from those submitted for research)?
  • Aren't the parts provided as blanks of homemade firearms, and which one?
  • What numbers and markings were on the weapons submitted for research with destroyed numbers?
  • Was the weapon submitted for research fired after the last cleaning?
  • What kind of gunpowder (brand) was used in the production of shots from this weapon, depending on the specific circumstances of the case, other issues related to the study of firearms can be raised and resolved. In some cases, to find out the possibilities of solving such issues, it is advisable to have a preliminary consultation with a specialist in the field of forensic ballistics.

Examination of cold steel

Establishing the relevance of an object to melee weapons, determining its type and type, manufacturing method, as well as serviceability and suitability for use.

List of issues to be resolved:

  • Is this item a melee weapon?
  • What type, type of cold steel does it belong to?
  • Was the factory equipment used in the manufacture of this melee weapon?

Consulting on the production and assembly of bullets

Consultation on the construction of a plant and business development for the production of bullets. Support at all stages of planning, construction, and production

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